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Causes of restlessness and excessive activity

Youth pastoral care, Benedicite 1/2003

Devaluation of the family

When I think back to the long and beautiful evenings in the family circle and compare these memories with the leisure activities of today's youth, I am overcome with deep regret and compassion for so many souls.

I am convinced that if they could feel just for a moment the harmony, the contentment and the peace we experienced after a happy family evening, they would immediately be ready to do everything they could to enjoy this family feeling of happiness. With these words I have not yet convinced you, but I certainly encouraged you to continue listening to me. My goal is to free you from your troubles and fears. These are not just stories of an "oldie" who wants to preach you a moral sermon. I don't want to portray myself and my generation as better. We, too, have been plagued by the spirit of the times, but not to the extent that you are today. I want to protect you in the truest sense, because you have not become perpetrators, but victims of a frightening change of heart. Because you are surrounded by this attitude and because you are shaped by this spirit through school and environment, you lack the comparison with a calmer and more healed world. Our time, too, was by no means healthy, by no means, but the dangers were, compared to the present ones, much smaller. Therefore, open your soul to my words spoken with deep compassion. I also know that your parents are doing and will continue to do their best to develop you into strong personalities. But much of what is happening today happens in ignorance of your parents and they are often amazed at what is going on. You can confidently accept my help, because it has matured and been strengthened by many experiences and trials. I am convinced that your trust and your faith in my powers will allow you to recover.

For decades, the spirit of the times has succeeded in gradually destroying the unity of the family desired by God. Huge holes have been punched in the originally secure fortress of the family.

1. Neglect and desacralization of holy baptism
One of the main reasons why we informed Christians should be better off is that we know about the deepest meaning of Holy Baptism:

In the grace of God we are freed from all entanglements of hereditary guilt and, as children of God, we are allowed to carry the light within us. This light makes us healthy and strong. We never feel lonely and abandoned, because God our Father stands up for us.

2. Failure to pray daily
Another reason to feel happy is that this Father, who was given to us in Holy Baptism, can guide us better and give more authority to His messengers when we ask Him to do so as often as we can.

But one condition remains: We should pray joyfully and voluntarily. God can help you only if you gladly ask Him.

I want to pray gladly and often.
I pray in the morning for divine assistance.
In the evening, after the examination of my conscience, I pray for a peaceful and restful sleep and say thanks for the past day with its joys and pains.
I hand over all my problems and worries to my guardian angel.
In my prayers I include all my fellow men.

Know: No single prayer that you say in deep faith and trust is in vain!

God answers your prayers according to your faith and according to the openness of the soul that you pray for.

3. Neglecting the redeeming blessing
Just as important as prayer is the constant blessing. You can bless all your work, all your fellow men, the food, your words, your thoughts and your planning incessantly, i.e. you can free everything you think, do, eat and speak from any curse. Jesus Christ said: "Love your enemies. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who persecute you." In this constant blessing you are free from disturbing negative forces that want to make you feel fear, distrust and failure. You are capable of accomplishments that will bring you success, happiness and sympathy.

After the evening prayer I bless my dreams and all people who caused me sorrow and worries that day.

After the morning prayer I bless my teachers, my teachers, my classmates, my work colleagues and all my opponents in their human form and as spirit beings.

I speak a blessing over them with a spiritual sign of the cross and envision them in the most beautiful light.

I bless everything I eat and drink, knowing that the blessing detoxifies and purifies.

4. Fear for the loss of your neighbour
If a mother lives in constant fear of losing her children, she attracts danger and ultimately a child could have an accident as a result of this fear.
You have asked your angels for help in the name of God. Therefore, you can have absolute trust in them to do their work conscientiously. If you trust them, your fear will also disappear.
But if you have to suffer pain of separation in your life, your comforting angel will lovingly take you in his arms and comfort you.

5. Fear of the future because of the tense world situation
The above is also true in this point with the same words. In the fear for the future we attract misfortune. In blessing over all future things we create peace and harmony. You see the terrible images of September 11th. They are captured on the tape in your soul and by the camera in your soul and want to frighten you. You hear the hateful speeches of the leaders stirred up by vengeful spirits. You see their will for bloody satisfaction and wonder anxiously what your future will bring. You feel a paralyzing fear coming up in you, which wants to rob you of your joy of life, your initiative and your good will.

In the holy sacrifice of the Mass you place all fears trustingly in the wounds of Jesus.
You bless all horrors in form of images and experiences, so that all souls filled with hatred and curses may recognize that true peace can only be in God.

6. Concern for your own future
In the face of so much suffering, war and hardship you could be affected by resignation, sadness and hopelessness. You could speak: Why do I learn, why do I struggle from exam to exam? It all has no sense!

Now your angel speaks:
What are you thinking and talking about! Just now you shall prove to your fellow men by courage and confidence that you have a greater hope than they have, a hope for a more beautiful life.

Everything that you do in the name of God is enough to receive beautiful blessings now and after death.

What you began on earth in love, you can finish in heaven in the purest joy and perfection.

What you have acquired through work and prayer in times of distress, will give you true help in times of need.

Always be confident and in good spirits! Never let yourself be infected by the spirit of resignation and hopelessness!

If you follow my advice, you will never become impatient or restless.

You will never despair of the contradictions of this time.
You are not subject to fluctuations of feelings.
You are filled with a healthy inner joy.
You are not sad and hopeless, but filled with joy of life, courage and energy.
You are always guided by good imaginations.
You do not succumb to drugs or even suicidal thoughts.
You are an example of love and sensitivity, because Christ dwells in you.

Lack of concentration and restless driving
Every day we are shown horrible pictures of terrorist acts, robberies, murders, disasters and accidents. The news contain mainly negative, soul-burdening events. A burdened soul creates illness. Through medication, drugs and alcohol, the symptoms of illness are swallowed, depressed and forced into the organs.

More and more teachers, parents and authorities are noticing a lack of concentration never seen before. They complain about the increasing difficulties in teaching their protégés basic teachings and behaviour. Exasperated, they give up, asking the family doctor for advice, who immediately prescribes a remedy for the exasperated parents and for the rebellious children. Calmed (sedated), they soon realize that their troublemakers have improved, no longer rebel, scream and argue.

Did the doctor's remedies work a miracle? - An apparent peace has come to such families. The symptoms of a suffering soul were merely suppressed and soon the illness will appear in a visible, external way. The restlessness of the children has given way to a paralyzing sadness. The development of the soul is stopped by taking the drug Ritalin. Experiences confirm that the soul development stopped during the time of taking this drug.

This disease, which is called hyperkinetic disorder according to orthodox medicine, is a disease created by the spirit of the times. It affects not only children. They are the weakest and last link in the long chain of causes.

These children rebel against everything because adults give them neither support nor a goal.

They cause difficulties because the parents cannot cope with their difficulties.

They are filled with the most stubborn spirit of contradiction because they broke down at the contradictions of the time.

They suffer from extreme fluctuations in their feelings, because no one cared about their feelings for too long.

They became depressed because their soul cried out in vain for love, attention and compassion.

They are prone to suicidal thoughts because no one gave them the true meaning of life by a good example.

They are easily influenced because their healthy self-confidence was clouded by perverse and horrible images and godless opinions.

Their tendencies towards hostile behaviour and crime are a cry for loving attention.

They have chosen the path to addiction to escape the hostility, lack of love and coldness of this time.

Their stamina is weakened because they do not see any sense in the chaotic events of the time, because the addiction has robbed them of the last remnants of their stamina and will, because the bad economic situation robs them of any prospect of success.

How can we, as professing Christians, show the world the way out of this impasse?

By strengthening ourselves at the sources of strength. The first and most important source of strength is attending Holy Mass. A family that together with Jesus Christ sacrifices itself to God the Father, knows about the most noble goal on earth, namely to reach heaven together. It has a secure hold in all temptations and dangers. It is able to courageously carry the cross imposed on them for Jesus Christ. By patiently enduring marital problems together, the child learns that constant rebellion and provocation does not bring solutions.

When the child sees that the parents have put their problems in the wounds of Jesus Christ and that they can meet each other lovingly, free of reproach and hostility, it can gain courage and confidence to be patiently listened to by the parents.

Such a child will not despair of the contradictions of the times, for it feels supported and understood in the spiritual unity of its parents. It recognizes in the common victim attitude of the parents the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. In His example and in His uncontradictory way of sacrifice he recognizes his goal in life.

His fluctuations of feelings disappear and make room for positive thoughts and plans, because he feels safe in the merciful bosom of the family. The presence of Jesus in his heart means that his feelings are always directed towards seeking the good, the true, the noble and the holy. Following the example of Jesus, he is also able to endure defeats and trials in equanimity and strength.

Families who celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass together as often as possible are carried by an inner joy and filled with an unquenchable desire to celebrate it with ever more intimacy and gratitude, in order to be united with Christ for all eternity. Children of such families can never fall into sadness, because in the community of the whole family they can experience God's love in the presence of Jesus in their hearts anew. Jesus Christ has filled them from within with energy and joy of life. They know about the true goal on earth and are willing to let their lives become a sacrifice for the Saviour. Their self-confidence is healthy and strong, because it is no longer they who live, but Jesus Christ in them. Their soul has become one with the Heart of Jesus and Mary and has expanded their consciousness into divine dimensions. They can only be influenced by good imaginations, because Jesus in them erases all bad ones.

In the power of light and grace of Jesus, their talents and inclinations become a blessing for their future and for the whole world. Such children do not need to escape from the world through drugs and suicide, because they have the light and strength within them to survive in the dangers of this time. Not only do they become light for themselves; as light sources they have a healing effect on their surroundings.

With the sole purpose of giving glory to God the Father in the holy sacrifice of the Mass, they are distinguished as examples of sensitivity, love, strength and perseverance. In spite of bad conditions and bleak prospects, they persistently follow the preconceived goal towards bliss.


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